Are you perplexed like this man? "Why haven't you started your church yet?"...you may ask.
If you check out this blog on a regular basis, you may wonder why we are waiting until the spring to launch CrossWalk. Why not just go for it now? There are various reasons, but here are probably the top two:
- People! People! People! It takes people to make a church “go.” It’s God’s church, but we are His hands. We are developing a launch team that will make your Sunday morning experience excellent.
- Practice! Practice! Practice! We want to launch with excellence. So we are preparing and practicing for our launch (think of it as a grand opening).We want to have your church experience to be outstanding. When you leave after our service on a Sunday morning, we want you to say, “That is what church should be like!” Without boring you with the details, that takes some time. Trust us, we can’t wait to launch.
A side note - We will also be launching our website early in 2008. This blog will stay active (it will be linked on the front page of our web site).
Stay tuned!