Our Purpose

We exist to help people love God, love others and serve the world.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pack it up…we outta here!

That’s right…we are moving to the new building! Tomorrow, Sunday March 29th is our last Sunday at the YMCA. It has been a great home but it’s time to head out.

If you have ever helped set up or tear down the equipment at the YMCA, we need you and would like to thank you! After tomorrow’s service, we are going to pack it up and head over to our new building.

The plan - We will have a light “thank you” lunch and then unload the trailer.

See you tomorrow!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Moving update!!!!

Here is the latest. Due to some construction issues we have a new schedule.
The details:

- We now plan to have our first worship service in the new building on Sunday, April 5th.

- We will NOT be having our dedication and communion service on Saturday, March 28th.

- The dedication and communion service WILL now be on Saturday, April 4th. The dedication and communion service will be from 7pm - 8pm with an open house before hand starting at 6pm.

As always, the move to the new building remains "fluid." Construction is like that. Thank you for your understanding!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rice Bowls and a quilt!

Check out the pics from our "serve the world" quilt used by Haitian orphans.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Building update!

The new building is coming along. Check out the progress with some of the CrossWalk Kid’s rooms.

Monday, March 2, 2009


If you liked the message from Louie Giglio this past week and want to see it again, you can try to borrow the DVD from the info table at CrossWalk or go to this link from Amazon.com to order a copy for yourself.

Click here

We also have the song, “Never let go” from the beginning of the Giglio video in the playlist above. Have a listen.