Lame-o name… but a great opportunity! It’s a great way to get to know others @ CrossWalk during the month of June and get in shape.
Each Sunday evening in June, meet @ the church parking lot @ 7pm and join others on a walk or run. It’s a fun and simple way to get exercise and connect with others. And if you have the time afterward, you may want to spend some extra time with your new friends @ Memorial Park or wherever you choose.
Train for a race? Me? This could also be a great opportunity as part of your training for the Waynesboro Jubilee Firecracker 5k run on July 4th weekend. Set a goal to complete the race and start training now. It would be great to see a bunch of people from CrossWalk running in the Firecracker! There is also a 1 mile fun run with kids before the 5k race if you would like to do that with your family instead.