CrossWalk Church is offering seven exciting new groups all beginning the week of January 18. These are chances for you to connect and grow spiritually! Have interest?
Sign up at the information center in the lobby or e-mail: info@crosswalkchurch.net
Starting Point (For men and women)
Leaders: Allan and Karen
Time: Tuesday nights, 6:30-8:30 starting January 20 weekly and finished by March 31 (one snow date or break night is built in), at Allan and Karen's house in Waynesboro.
Description: Starting Point is designed for seekers, starters or returners in exploring the foundations for a growing faith in Jesus Christ. It gives an overview of God's Message and mankind's journey with God since the beginning of time.
It is important to note that Starting Point respects the learning style of each person. Opportunity will be given for group discussion while respect is given to those not inclined to read aloud nor talk a lot in a smaller group setting.
Noah – More Than a Big Boat and Water (For men)
Leader: Steve
Time: Tuesday mornings, from 6-7 am, Jan. 20 to March 10 weekly (8 sessions) at Mountain Gate Restaurant
Description: "Can one man really change the world? Jesus did. Noah did not change lives such that they followed him, but because of his faith, he saved himself, his family, mankind and became a great example of a Godly life. Come and learn more about this great man, a turning point in history and why “Catastrophy” is one of CrossWalk's 7 C's of our statement of Faith."
Bad Girls of the Bible and What We Can Learn from Them by Liz Curtis Higgs a book study (For women)
Leaders: Marcy and Sherry
Time: Sunday afternoons from 2 – 3:30, January 18 meeting every other week for 6 sessions in Marcy’s home in Waynesboro
Description: The lives of these infamous ladies: Bathsheba, Delilah, and Jezebel, show women how not to handle the challenges of life. With her trademark humor and encouragement, Liz Curtis Higgs teaches us how to avoid their tragic mistakes and joyfully embrace grace. So what's a good girl to do? Learn from their lives and by God's grace, choose a better path.
Taking Care of the ME in Mommy by Lisa Welchel a book Study (For women)
Leader: Brenda
Time: Monday evenings, 7:30-9:00, Jan. 19 meeting every other week for 6 sessions in Brenda’s home in Waynesboro.
Description: As moms we love to serve and nourish our families. But if we don't learn to rest and receive, we run on empty and end up not being the moms we so desperately want to be. Taking Care of the ME in Mommy will show you how to take care of yourself: spirit, body and soul. Filled with practical advice and time-saving tips, you'll feel refreshed, energized and ready to pour the true you into the ones you love!
Coffee Cake and Conversation (For women)
Leader: Martha
Time: Tuesday mornings, 9-10:30 am, starting January 20 meeting once a month (every third Tuesday) ending in April at Martha’s home in Waynesboro.
Description: "Sometimes I just need a chance to talk with other ladies. I don't want an agenda but just a place to get to know others - where they're coming from and going." Martha's Kitchen Table offers that chance. By the way, she has a big table... all are welcome. Some thoughts from Colossians will be shared.
Parenting with Love and Logic by Foster W. Cline & Jim Fay a book study (for couples or single parents)
Leaders: Sherri and Dave
Time: Friday evenings, 6:30-8:00, January 23 meeting every other week for 6 sessions in the Bailey’s family room in Waynesboro.
Description: Tired of yelling and nagging your kids into obedience? Come learn how to parent difficult everyday situations with calm resolve. Gaining skills to train your kids to make wise choices and learn that each choice has a natural consequence.
Catalyst – For post high schoolers & people in their twenties (single, married, kids, no kids)
Leaders: Jason and Mandy
A catalyst is something (or someone) that causes an important event to happen. Do you want to be a “catalyst” in college, at work, at home, in your community or around the world? Then check out Catalyst!
Description: Starting Sunday, January 18th at 11:45 am. We will have an informal “get to know you” lunch after CrossWalk’s worship service @ the Old City Buffet (the Chinese buffet by Wal-mart in Rouzerville) We will get to know each other a little better and then share with you about three other times when we want to gather together as a catalyst group to love God, love others and serve the world.