Our Purpose
We exist to help people love God, love others and serve the world.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Discover CrossWalk.
November 7 12:15-1:15 pm - Fusion Room
If you have questions about who we are, where we’re headed or what we believe, start with Discover CrossWalk. Sign up on your Connection Card this week.
If you have questions about who we are, where we’re headed or what we believe, start with Discover CrossWalk. Sign up on your Connection Card this week.
Monday, October 11, 2010
It's time for 2010's Operation Christmas Child (OCC).

We are so excited to send shoeboxes around the world that give needy children wonderful gifts along with a message of hope about Jesus Christ. So check it out....here are some dates to remember:
CrossWalk: Everyone can bring their filled shoeboxes to CrossWalk Oct. 31st - Nov. 21st. Let's try and reach the goal of packing 250 boxes this year. That's about one box for every adult. Last year 7.9 million shoeboxes were distributed around the world!
CrossWalk Kids and Families: Mark your calendars for Nov. 13th at 6:00. Your kids have been working hard on getting enough supplies to fill over 50 boxes. We will see if we reached the goal on that night. We are going to have an awesome night packing our boxes together. It's going to be fun for the whole family!
For more information visit www.samaritanspurse.org

We are so excited to send shoeboxes around the world that give needy children wonderful gifts along with a message of hope about Jesus Christ. So check it out....here are some dates to remember:
CrossWalk: Everyone can bring their filled shoeboxes to CrossWalk Oct. 31st - Nov. 21st. Let's try and reach the goal of packing 250 boxes this year. That's about one box for every adult. Last year 7.9 million shoeboxes were distributed around the world!
CrossWalk Kids and Families: Mark your calendars for Nov. 13th at 6:00. Your kids have been working hard on getting enough supplies to fill over 50 boxes. We will see if we reached the goal on that night. We are going to have an awesome night packing our boxes together. It's going to be fun for the whole family!
For more information visit www.samaritanspurse.org
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Message Series starts this Sunday...
When Life Hands You Lemons...
Pain is as inevitable as it is unwelcome. As much as we might like to insulate our lives against suffering, it creeps in anyway. So, knowing that pain will come, what should we do when it arrives? Do we ignore it? Do we curl in a hole until it goes away? Do we steel ourselves and fight? Join us as we explore God's model for responding to pain - and finding hope to make it through to the joy on the other side of pain.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Serve the World options
Want to Serve the World? Here are some places to start:
* Pregnancy Ministries
* Waynesboro Area Human Services
(717) 762-6941
24 E Main St
Waynesboro, PA 17268
*World Vision
*Samaritan’s Purse
* Pregnancy Ministries
* Waynesboro Area Human Services
(717) 762-6941
24 E Main St
Waynesboro, PA 17268
*World Vision
*Samaritan’s Purse
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
What’s up?
Please contact the church office if you have interest in what's up at CrossWalk.
August 1 – “Discover CrossWalk” 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Fusion Room.
If you have questions about who we are, where we’re headed or what we believe, start here.
August 1 – Group Guides. 11:30-12:15 Extreme Zone Room.
Do you have interest in potentially leading a small group this fall? Come to this short meeting for more info.
August 7 – Serve the World day.
We are headed out to the community to serve! Sign up over the next several weeks at CrossWalk.
August 8th – Baptism.
Would you like to be baptized? Contact the church office to let us know of your interest or ask questions.
August 22nd – 2nd Service. We start a second Sunday morning service. 9:30am and 11am are the new times.
Please check the Fusion and Crosswalk Kids blogs for the latest in those ministries.
August 1 – “Discover CrossWalk” 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Fusion Room.
If you have questions about who we are, where we’re headed or what we believe, start here.
August 1 – Group Guides. 11:30-12:15 Extreme Zone Room.
Do you have interest in potentially leading a small group this fall? Come to this short meeting for more info.
August 7 – Serve the World day.
We are headed out to the community to serve! Sign up over the next several weeks at CrossWalk.
August 8th – Baptism.
Would you like to be baptized? Contact the church office to let us know of your interest or ask questions.
August 22nd – 2nd Service. We start a second Sunday morning service. 9:30am and 11am are the new times.
Please check the Fusion and Crosswalk Kids blogs for the latest in those ministries.
Friday, July 2, 2010
New July series
Judgment Call

Most of us are familiar with Jesus’ instructions not to judge others. But what exactly did he mean? Are we supposed to look away when a close friend or family member is doing something dishonest or immoral? Are there times when it is wrong not to judge?
In this four-part series, Andy Stanley tackles this confusing and often misunderstood topic. We learn the steps to take before confronting others—and how to react when someone judges us.

Most of us are familiar with Jesus’ instructions not to judge others. But what exactly did he mean? Are we supposed to look away when a close friend or family member is doing something dishonest or immoral? Are there times when it is wrong not to judge?
In this four-part series, Andy Stanley tackles this confusing and often misunderstood topic. We learn the steps to take before confronting others—and how to react when someone judges us.
Friday, June 25, 2010
CrossWalk Picnic @ Memorial Park - July 11th

How much chicken should we buy for the CrossWalk picnic on July 11th? You can help us figure it out this Sunday.
Please write down on your Connection Card this Sunday (June 27th) if you/your family are planning to attend, how many will be attending and if you'll be eating fried chicken with us (Just write the word chicken and the number of people. Example - "CHICKEN - 3"). In addition to chicken, we will also be providing free chips, drinks and Antietam Dairy ice cream.
If you don't care for chicken, feel free to bring lunch for you or your family. You can pack your own, go to Subway, McDonalds, etc. and bring it back to the park. Lunch will start at 11:45.
What else do you need to know?
- Please bring chairs or blankets to sit on during lunch. We won't have many tables.
- Bring your favorite outdoor game

How much chicken should we buy for the CrossWalk picnic on July 11th? You can help us figure it out this Sunday.
Please write down on your Connection Card this Sunday (June 27th) if you/your family are planning to attend, how many will be attending and if you'll be eating fried chicken with us (Just write the word chicken and the number of people. Example - "CHICKEN - 3"). In addition to chicken, we will also be providing free chips, drinks and Antietam Dairy ice cream.
If you don't care for chicken, feel free to bring lunch for you or your family. You can pack your own, go to Subway, McDonalds, etc. and bring it back to the park. Lunch will start at 11:45.
What else do you need to know?
- Please bring chairs or blankets to sit on during lunch. We won't have many tables.
- Bring your favorite outdoor game
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Join the discussion
We are talking about "Soul Revolution" on our face book page. Check out the "Discussions" tab and join us.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Love Revolution
In June we are focusing on Loving God. Our June messages will challenge us to receive God's love and love Him back in new ways, including something called the 60-90 challenge - you'll hear more about that in coming weeks.
We are also offering a cool book (at cost - $8) called Soul Revolution that we can read together through the summer that will help you figure out what next steps to take. Pick one up this week.
Read an excerpt from the book (scroll to the bottom of the web site and click on the FEATURES tab): Click here for the book link
We are also offering a cool book (at cost - $8) called Soul Revolution that we can read together through the summer that will help you figure out what next steps to take. Pick one up this week.
Read an excerpt from the book (scroll to the bottom of the web site and click on the FEATURES tab): Click here for the book link
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Were you inspired by Sunday's message? Check out more info about Nick Vujicic at his website... CLICK HERE
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sign-up on your Connection Card to find out what makes CrossWalk tick. June 6th... right after church.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Cardio & Connect

Lame-o name… but a great opportunity! It’s a great way to get to know others @ CrossWalk during the month of June and get in shape.
Each Sunday evening in June, meet @ the church parking lot @ 7pm and join others on a walk or run. It’s a fun and simple way to get exercise and connect with others. And if you have the time afterward, you may want to spend some extra time with your new friends @ Memorial Park or wherever you choose.
Train for a race? Me? This could also be a great opportunity as part of your training for the Waynesboro Jubilee Firecracker 5k run on July 4th weekend. Set a goal to complete the race and start training now. It would be great to see a bunch of people from CrossWalk running in the Firecracker! There is also a 1 mile fun run with kids before the 5k race if you would like to do that with your family instead.
Monday, April 26, 2010
If you were at CrossWalk on Sunday, you heard that we want to hear from you about "Serve the World" opportunities in our communities. Do you have an idea? Submit your ideas for our church-wide community outreach in August.
Email your ideas this week! info@crosswalkchurch.net
Email your ideas this week! info@crosswalkchurch.net
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
New message series Easter Sunday!

Life comes at us hard sometimes. Storms wreak havoc. Illness beats us down. Spiritual pressures mount. At times we stoop under the pressing load and just want to shout "enough already!" Where do you go when stress hits? What you need to know is that the pressures you face are nothing new - the friends and followers of Jesus experienced the same kinds of trials. And the same Jesus is alive and well and wanting to meet you in your time of need. Come hear some amazing stories of the power of Jesus to bring us through the worst life has to offer.
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Webster defines a ritual as "a ceremonial act or action or an act or series of acts regularly repeated in a set precise manner."
Let's face reality: rituals, especially in church, can get pretty boring and meaningless. We can go on "auto-pilot" without the slightest idea (or concern) why we are doing what we are doing. Over the next two weeks at CrossWalk, we are going to celebrate two essential Christian rituals, communion and baptism, with a look back as to why these practices are so much more than routine. Join us and find new meaning in ancient rituals.
Friday, March 12, 2010

Help Samaritan's Purse continue to provide relief to the victims of the earthquake in
Download @ iTunes or buy the CD.
Click here for more info
Friday, February 19, 2010
Great marriage and relationship resources

Fireproof on DVD - Click Here

Book - The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
Click Here

The Five Love Needs of Men and Women by Gary & Barbara Rosberg
Click Here

The Love Dare by Stephen Kendrick & Alex Kendrick
Click Here

FamilyLife Marriage Conferences
Click Here
Saturday, February 6, 2010
It's on!
We plan to have our worship service tomorrow as usual (10am). Just give yourself a little more time to get to CrossWalk...easy on the gas pedal...
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Stuff for the food pantry
Items needed:
Drink mixes, sugar, flour, ketchup, canned foods, any boxed foods, etc.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
New message series starts Jan 31st

Too many marriages these days end up as sprints - they start out with a lot of energy and good intentions but don’t last. Find out what God (the One Who originally came up with the idea, incidentally) says about making your marriage go the distance. Whether you’re single, married, or hoping to marry, God has something to say that you need to hear!
January 31 - In Training
February 7 - Starting Block
February 14 - Second Wind
February 21 - Going the Distance
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Upcoming Groups
Sign-up for a group @ CrossWalk! E-mail us about your interest or jot it down on your Connection Card (with your phone number and e-mail address). Just write down the group number you would like to join. Groups launch the week of January 31 and meet 6 times (every other week).
Group 1 - Men
Guides: Craig & Allan
Topic: Do you ever get spitting mad?! Come hear real-life stories, consult the Bible, and discuss questions that will help us deal with our anger in a God-honoring manner. Hey, even Jesus got angry. It is possible to be a good man and still get angry.
When: Sunday, 6-7:30 pm
Where: Church
Group 2 - Women
Guides: Martha & Mandy H.
Topic: Basic Christianity using Thirty Discipleship Exercises by the Billy Graham Association. The group will cover the foundations for the Christian life highlighting salvation, assurance, Lordship, the Bible, prayer, the Holy Spirit and witnessing.
When: Sunday, 6-7:30 pm
Where: Church
Group 3 - Young Adult 18-30
Guide: Beth
Topic: Jaded - all of us have experienced pain when our idealism about life intersects with harsh reality. The collision leaves you wounded and jaded, facing life with bitterness and cynicism rather than hope in God.
When: Sunday, 6:30-8:30 pm
Where: Beth's home, Waynesboro
Group 4 - Young Adult 18-30
Guides: Jason & Mandy F.
Topic: Has anything really changed in 2000 years?
Video Series- Americans live in a culture that places high emphasis on entertainment and self. When we study the Bible, the culture we live in faces the same problems as the early church. Learn how followers of Christ can stand up to cultural “norms”.
When: Tuesday, 7-8:30 pm
Where: Jason & Mandy's home, Greencastle
Group 5 - Young Families
Guides: Adam & Heidi
Topic: Parenting
Six week video series that goes beyond parenting strategies and techniques and focuses instead on a biblical approach to parenting.
When: Wednesday, 6:30-8 pm
Where: Adam & Heidi's home, Waynesboro
Childcare: Provided (there will be a small cost to pay the babysitter)
Group 6 - All Ages
Guides: Craig & Sarah
Topic: Discussion following Sunday sermon topics, beginning with Marriage Marathon.
When: Wednesday, 7-8:30 pm
Where: Church
Group 7 - All Ages
Guides: Dave & Arlene
Topic: Discussion following Sunday sermon topics, beginning with Marriage Marathon.
When: Wednesday, 7-8:30 pm
Where: Dave & Arlene's home, Waynesboro
Group 8 - Women
Guide: Teresa
Topic: Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl by Lysa TerKeurst.
Do you want to replace doubt, regret, and envy with truth, confidence and praise? Lysa’s book will help us to stop the unhealthy cycles of striving and truly learn to love who we are and what we’ve been given.
When: Thursday, 7-8:30 pm
Where: Teresa's home, Waynesboro
Group 9 - All Ages
Guides: Dave, Sherri & Joe
Topic: Living the Questions of Mark. Jesus often asked challenging questions to help us think through our faith. This Bible study on the book of Mark helps us strengthen our faith as we examine how we approach life.
When: Thursday, 7-8:30 pm
Where: Dave & Sherri's home, Waynesboro
Group 1 - Men
Guides: Craig & Allan
Topic: Do you ever get spitting mad?! Come hear real-life stories, consult the Bible, and discuss questions that will help us deal with our anger in a God-honoring manner. Hey, even Jesus got angry. It is possible to be a good man and still get angry.
When: Sunday, 6-7:30 pm
Where: Church
Group 2 - Women
Guides: Martha & Mandy H.
Topic: Basic Christianity using Thirty Discipleship Exercises by the Billy Graham Association. The group will cover the foundations for the Christian life highlighting salvation, assurance, Lordship, the Bible, prayer, the Holy Spirit and witnessing.
When: Sunday, 6-7:30 pm
Where: Church
Group 3 - Young Adult 18-30
Guide: Beth
Topic: Jaded - all of us have experienced pain when our idealism about life intersects with harsh reality. The collision leaves you wounded and jaded, facing life with bitterness and cynicism rather than hope in God.
When: Sunday, 6:30-8:30 pm
Where: Beth's home, Waynesboro
Group 4 - Young Adult 18-30
Guides: Jason & Mandy F.
Topic: Has anything really changed in 2000 years?
Video Series- Americans live in a culture that places high emphasis on entertainment and self. When we study the Bible, the culture we live in faces the same problems as the early church. Learn how followers of Christ can stand up to cultural “norms”.
When: Tuesday, 7-8:30 pm
Where: Jason & Mandy's home, Greencastle
Group 5 - Young Families
Guides: Adam & Heidi
Topic: Parenting
Six week video series that goes beyond parenting strategies and techniques and focuses instead on a biblical approach to parenting.
When: Wednesday, 6:30-8 pm
Where: Adam & Heidi's home, Waynesboro
Childcare: Provided (there will be a small cost to pay the babysitter)
Group 6 - All Ages
Guides: Craig & Sarah
Topic: Discussion following Sunday sermon topics, beginning with Marriage Marathon.
When: Wednesday, 7-8:30 pm
Where: Church
Group 7 - All Ages
Guides: Dave & Arlene
Topic: Discussion following Sunday sermon topics, beginning with Marriage Marathon.
When: Wednesday, 7-8:30 pm
Where: Dave & Arlene's home, Waynesboro
Group 8 - Women
Guide: Teresa
Topic: Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl by Lysa TerKeurst.
Do you want to replace doubt, regret, and envy with truth, confidence and praise? Lysa’s book will help us to stop the unhealthy cycles of striving and truly learn to love who we are and what we’ve been given.
When: Thursday, 7-8:30 pm
Where: Teresa's home, Waynesboro
Group 9 - All Ages
Guides: Dave, Sherri & Joe
Topic: Living the Questions of Mark. Jesus often asked challenging questions to help us think through our faith. This Bible study on the book of Mark helps us strengthen our faith as we examine how we approach life.
When: Thursday, 7-8:30 pm
Where: Dave & Sherri's home, Waynesboro
Saturday, January 16, 2010
The catastrophic earthquake in Haiti has left thousands dead and many more struggling to survive. The devastation is truly heartbreaking. It is in the face of such tragedy that God calls us to action. A chance to Serve the World. There are two ways we, at CrossWalk, can help:
1. PRAY - "...The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16. Please continue to pray for the people of Haiti, and for the rescue workers and first responders who are trying to assist them.
2. GIVE - These next three Sundays (January 17th, 24th and 31st), we will be taking a special collection for the people of Haiti. Special offering containers will be at the back tables for your chance to give above and beyond your normal offering. The money will be given to Samaritan's Purse to help provide the basic necessities of food, water, medicine and shelter. Any amount that you could give will surely be a blessing. We will combine your special offering with some additional contributions from our missions fund.
For more information about Samaritan's Purse, Click Here
The catastrophic earthquake in Haiti has left thousands dead and many more struggling to survive. The devastation is truly heartbreaking. It is in the face of such tragedy that God calls us to action. A chance to Serve the World. There are two ways we, at CrossWalk, can help:
1. PRAY - "...The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16. Please continue to pray for the people of Haiti, and for the rescue workers and first responders who are trying to assist them.
2. GIVE - These next three Sundays (January 17th, 24th and 31st), we will be taking a special collection for the people of Haiti. Special offering containers will be at the back tables for your chance to give above and beyond your normal offering. The money will be given to Samaritan's Purse to help provide the basic necessities of food, water, medicine and shelter. Any amount that you could give will surely be a blessing. We will combine your special offering with some additional contributions from our missions fund.
For more information about Samaritan's Purse, Click Here
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Serve the World!
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