Christmas 2011 Serving Ideas
Write a letter to someone you haven't talked to in a while – affirm how important they are to you; how much you love them.
Be an “angel of the night” - go shovel someone's driveway who can't take care of it themselves (take your kids along).
Give your good stuff to Goodwill (with the tags still on them).
Invite someone over to share your Christmas meal.
Encourage someone who helps others – who has a thankless job.
When you go to the mall to shop, hang around an extra 10 minutes (you can set your watch) and look for someone who could use help – carrying bags, loading bags in the trunk.
Leave an enormous tip when you go out to eat, especially if your server seems tired or grumpy.
Comfort someone who is grieving this Christmas – a card, a plant, a visit.
Visit an elderly home – encourage the forgotten.
Get to know a new neighbor – or an old one you have been avoiding.
Pay for the coffee (or toll) of the person behind you in line.
Don't rationalize away your desire to give to a homeless person asking for money. If they use it for something unhealthy, that's on them not you. Or, offer to buy them a hot meal.
Volunteer at a homeless shelter AFTER Christmas.
Give till it hurts – stretch yourself.
Find a country in need outside the US. Commit to learning and praying about this country in the coming year, in addition to sending financial assistance through Samaritans Purse or another relief organization.
Invite someone to church.
Sponsor a child through Compassion or World Vision.
Set up a savings account specifically for the purpose of giving. Do special projects to raise money for the savings account every month. Pray about where to give the money next Christmas.
Brainstorm people to pray for each day of Advent.
Offer a couple with young children a much-needed night out.
Brown bag your lunch and give the money away.
Find a family in need and give them a Christmas they will never forget. (Go in with a small group or a few other families.)
Pay for the meal for another family in the restaurant where you are eating.
Give an elderly person a ride to do shopping, errands, or just to look at Christmas lights.
Cultivate an attitude of gratitude – in addition to your “I want” list, print out a calendar and write down something each day that you are thankful for.
Keep your giving secret.
Read a book to your children/family.
Consider foster care or adoption.
-Many of these ideas come from the great little book 101 Simple and Thoughtful Ways to Give This Christmas Away by Matthew West