Our Purpose

We exist to help people love God, love others and serve the world.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011


If you missed any of the Listen and Learn messages, watch them here. Feel free to skip by the opening skit on each video…we did.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

From today's message...
5 questions to ask yourself:

-Who are you listening to?
-Who do you need to quit listening to?
-Who should you be listening to?
-What do you not want to hear, but need to?
-Who’s advice are you resisting, because you don’t like the individual giving it?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Starting in February the CrossWalk Café will be serving coffee purchased from an organization called Land of a Thousand Hills. With our coffee purchases, this organization supports the physical and spiritual needs of the coffee growers in the African country of Rwanda. This coffee is considered some of the best coffee in the world and we are happy to serve this coffee, and at the same time, serve the world.

Check them out at: www.drinkcoffeedogood.com

The coffee continues to be free (donations accepted).