Our Purpose

We exist to help people love God, love others and serve the world.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Nothing changes?

The rock band U2 once penned a song called “New Year’s Day.” A snippet of the song says, “Nothing changes, on New Year's Day.” While that may be true to some extent, why not take some time to pray this New Year’s Day for God to change things? If you signed up for a specific time to pray on January 1st, great! But if you didn’t, it’s no big deal! It’s about praying, not about if you signed up. Just pray! For 3 minutes, 30 minutes or 3 hours!

We have listed our prayer points if you would like a guide to help you pray.

Give thanks for:

- Personal growth in Christ,

- Jesus' presence and care during the ups & downs of life

- Our family and friends

- All God has done in and through his children at CrossWalk Church

Pray for your life:

- that God would help you grow closer to Him in 2009

- that God would guide and direct your decisions this year

- that God would show you how to bless the lives of people

around you in a fresh new way

Pray for your work:

- that God would be pleased to protect your job or grant

you a job that meets your financial needs

- that you can contribute something meaningful through your work

- that you can be a positive influence in the lives of those you work with

Pray for your home:

- that God would protect your marriage & children from harmful influences

- that your home would be built on the solid spiritual foundation of Jesus Christ

- that God would give wisdom to resolve any conflicts & offer forgiveness

Pray for your church:

- that God will keep CrossWalk on target reaching the

un-churched and helping believers love God, love others, and serve the world

- that the transition from the YMCA to the new facility at Gold's Gym will go smoothly & that construction will proceed safely

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Eve

CrossWalk will be having a Christmas Eve service at Summitview elementary school (the smiley face school beside the YMCA).
The service will begin at 5:30pm and end at 6:15pm. There will not be childcare for the evening. Bring the whole family! All are welcome! Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


CrossWalk is a go! Church is on! We haven’t received much of anything this morning. See you at set-up and church. THX!

Please be careful on the roads.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

**** Set-up canceled!

Saturday night set-up is canceled for tonight, December 20th.

Check here on Sunday morning starting at 6am to see if church is canceled or if it's a go...due to the weather.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Construction Pics

Here are the latest construction pictures from our new building.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

OCC total

The final tally for the shoeboxes collected for Operation Christmas Child was 153! Great job!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Coming in December

Invite a friend to CrossWalk this December to hear a message series by Dave Wolf titled, "The Purpose of Christmas." If you have been meaning to invite a friend or family member...go for it!

We will be giving away free Nintendo Wiis to the first 100 guests! Actually, that's not true. I just wanted to grab your attention. Sorry.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Operation Christmas Child

Don't forget to bring in your shoeboxes this Sunday or next Sunday for Operation Christmas Child. Just drop your box off at the OCC display in the lobby as you enter the YMCA.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Discover CrossWalk

New to CrossWalk Church?

If you have questions about who we are, where we're headed, or what we believe, start here. This informal class hosted by Dave and Sherri Wolf and other CWC leaders provides an opportunity for you to get to know what makes CrossWalk tick.

Our very first Discover Class will be November 16th from 6-8 pm.

Write "DISCOVER" in big letters on the bottom of your Connection Card this Sunday if you are interested.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Worst message promo ever?

Friday, October 24, 2008


Drummer wanted

Use your skills at a church that is relevant and more concerned about you, than what you wear on a Sunday.

Contact us to have your questions answered and schedule a try out.


Monday, October 13, 2008

Portable Church

Every wonder how we set up at the YMCA? Take a look!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

PRAY DAY - Monday, Sept 22

Don't forget our pray day on Monday September 22nd. If you forgot...no biggie. It's about praying, not rules! See the prayer points listed below.

-Thank the Lord for all He is doing at
CrossWalk Church (CWC)
-Thank Him for the blessings in your life
-Pray that you can be a blessing in someone’s
life this week

-To lead people to Christ through CWC ministry
- Pray for your neighbor
-To give CWC leadership wisdom to set up right
ministries to meet the church's goals
- To lead CWC people into a ministry where they
can serve

- To guide our lead teaching pastor, Dave Wolf,
in his messages
-To guide Dave's family in personal
connectedness in church and community
and a house to buy

Tuesday, September 9, 2008



We will be having communion in elder's homes on Sunday evening, Sept 21 at 6 pm. A light dinner will be provided. Sign-up this week at the info table. It is open to the whole family, but as a parent, you may want to find a babysitter if you feel your child(ren) might not be ready to occupy themselves for awhile. At our last communion in homes, we tried to match-up some families with kids who could play together during the reflection time.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

More Family Olympic pictures

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Olympic spirit?

Not really sure what to call it, but at least he's trying. For what? Don't know. Anyhow...

Don't forget to sign-up for the family Olympics this Sunday at CrossWalk. Single? Married? Retired? All are invited. More details in a previous post below.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Steroid Free Olympics...we hope.

This third summer outing for CrossWalk Church promises to be an event where our church family can "do life" together on a little different level. August 17, at 4 p.m., you are invited to meet at the Renfrew Park Pavilion where the first ever CrossWalk Olympic games will be held. Participants must sign up August 3rd and 10th in church, so that families can be assigned to teams.

Games are planned for teams to compete as family units, so mom and dad, and preschooler and fifteen-year-old will all be working together along with a couple other families. We need the early sign-up so teams can be made as fair as possible. After all, gold, silver, and bronze medals are at stake, and everything must be fair!

CrossWalk's Family Olympics will be an awesome time of fun and getting to know new friends. Not feeling athletic? Come and cheer on everyone else and enjoy a good time. A light supper will be served following the games and awards ceremony. Questions? Call Ruth at 762-4133 or Heidi at 749-3003.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Worst promo video ever created? Vote on it!

There are changes coming August 3rd with CrossWalk Kids. Watch this promotional video we showed Sunday and vote on how much it stinks. (voting to the left)

Saturday, July 26, 2008


CrossWalk Kids is growing! It's becoming "super sized!" Our children's ministry is expanding and we need more space. Some of your children may be moving starting Sunday, Aug 3rd. **6th graders will move on September 7th**

Here are the details:

Nursery (birth -age 2) - same room
Lead- Miss Melissa and Miss Mandy
Preschool (age 3-Pre-K) - room off the lobby area
Teachers- Miss Jan and Miss Barb
Early Elementary (K-gr.3) - past the gym,in the back of the YMCA
Teachers - Miss Heidi and Miss Sarah
Preteen (gr.4-gr.6) - past the gym, in the back of the YMCA
Teachers- Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Wolf

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bookmark me!

This is a general "FYI" posting. A great place to read the Bible online and "look up stuff" is www.biblegateway.com . You may want to visit the site and bookmark it for future reference.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Another Connection

It was a great day for another CrossWalk Connection. Here are a few pics from the “Wolf Welcome.” Obviously, Antietam Dairy was there!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Teen Site!

Did you know CrossWalk teens have a website? Technically it's a blog, but that name can confuse people. So...we'll just call it a web site!


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

CrossWalk Connection - Wolf Welcome, July 13th

Our next CrossWalk Connection is after our Sunday morning service, July 13th. It's a "Wolf Welcome." Dave Wolf will be coming on staff (via Texas) as our lead teaching pastor the 1st of July. Scroll down the blog for more info about that day (June 4th post).

Monday, June 16, 2008

Daddy-que Highlights

Video and pics from our "Daddy-que." I'll try to update the quality later.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

CrossWalk Connections

Click to enlarge

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Fight Club Notes

Here are the study notes from the final "Fight Club" message:

Bible passage - 2nd Corinthians 5:18-21

I. The Fight Club goal: Reconciliation.

A. Reconciliation is NOT...

1. Justifying your actions in the mind of the other person.

2. Being completely UNDERSTOOD.

3. Convincing the other person that he or she was WRONG.

B. The goal of reconciliation is a relationship characterized
by acceptance in spite of PAST offenses and CURRENT differences.

C. You have to decide: Are you going to take a STAND or BUILD a relationship?

SECRET: Reconciliation paves the way to relationship,which paves the way to INFLUENCE.

II. Fight Club strategy: Create a safe relational ENVIRONMENT.

A. Prying and coercing don't work for turtles or PEOPLE.

B. Safe environments are characterized by HUMILITY and ACCEPTANCE.

C. Reconciliation is not primarily about CONFLICT resolution.

III. Fight Club motto: The best defense is NO defense.

Reconciliation often requires that we shoulder the consequences and complications of someone else's decisions

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Love and Serve

CrossWalk Kids

Recently...we planted several hundred marigolds in the front of Michaux Manor, then took a tour of the facility and visited with the residents. Ended up with a great cookout at the park!

We felt the work project was a great mix of "loving others" and "serving the world".

Saturday, May 24, 2008

More Rice Bowls!

The totals are in for the Rice Bowl money the kids collected…the total…$243.96!! Great job kids! That brings our overall total as a church to $867.25!!

Serve the World!

Friday, May 23, 2008


We are going to have communion in elders homes at 6:30 pm on May 30th.

The night will consistent of some dessert, casual conversation and a time of reflection and celebration. The evening begins at 6:30pm and ends around 8:30 or 9pm. It's very casual and friendly.

It is open to the whole family, but as a parent, you may want to find a babysitter if you feel your child(ren) might not be ready to occupy themselves for awhile. At our last communion in homes, we tried to match-up some families with kids who could play together during the reflection time.


Please e-mail us at info@crosswalkchurch.net or sign-up at the information table at CrossWalk this Sunday.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Money, Money, Money, Money

We have not tallied CrossWalk Kid's Rice Bowl money yet and we are still waiting on a few more adults to bring in their bowls, but so far...we have raised $623.29!! Awesome! You are making a difference in kid's lives through a very simple act of giving. Serve the world!

For more info about Rice Bowls - http://www.ricebowls.org/

Monday, May 5, 2008

Don't forget!

Don't forget to bring your Rice Bowl this Sunday, May 11th. We'll add up the money we have raised and let you know how much we collected the following week. Serve the world!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Rice Bowls

We are partnering short-term with "Rice Bowls," an organization that works with orphanages in three different countries (South Africa, India and Haiti) to help subsidize food, clean water, clothing, and Christian education for kids without a mom or dad. CrossWalk Kids have been collecting money for a few weeks already. They have been focusing on the country of Haiti.

Adults and teens
Rice bowl banks will be available for teens and adults to pick up Sunday. You grab a bank, fill it with change and bring it back to CrossWalk. It is a very simple way for our church to begin to fulfill one of our purposes, "Serve the World."

Collection day is Mother's Day, May 11th.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Starting Point is coming to CrossWalk!

What is Starting Point?
A casual small group environment that helps you with questions about faith as well as questions about the Bible and Christianity.

Starting Point is designed for people in one of three general categories:

Seekers - Seekers are those who would not call themselves Christians, but are curious about God, Jesus, the Bible, or Christianity.

Starters - Starters are new to a relationship with Jesus Christ and are looking to build a solid foundation for their faith.

Returners - Returners are people that have some church experience, but have been away for a while.

Starting Point is a conversational environment where people can explore faith and experience community. Participants are asked to do individual preparation each week with a conversational study guide and CD media kit.

Starting Point specifics:
May 4 to June 8 (a 6 week commitment)
Time: 6:30 to 7:45 pm on Sunday nights
Who: Teens and adults are welcome
Leaders: Allan Mummert and Martha Bailey

How do I join Starting Point?
- sign up at the information table in the Y lobby on Sunday
- email us with your interest -

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Up and Running

CrossWalk has been up and running for two weeks now. We have heard from many of you that you felt very welcome at CWC (CrossWalk Church). Thank you. It’s our goal to make welcoming part of the “DNA” of our church. Church is for everyone, not just “church people.” Hope to see you soon.

Picture - CrossWalk Kids launch balloons on Palm Sunday to celebrate God’s goodness to us!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Valet baby! Valet!

If you plan on coming this Sunday (or any Sunday) and you have young children, a disability or are elderly, take advantage of our valet parking. Just pull up to the front of the YMCA and we will take it from there.
We also promise that the attendants will actually be looking for you, not at the CrossWalk sign!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

See you Easter Sunday!

Looking for a church on Easter? Why not check out CrossWalk? Maybe the wife has been buggin’ you to go, or you feel like you have to show up somewhere on Easter to keep your parents off your back, or maybe you know something is missing in your life and your pretty sure it’s God.

Simply put, we are a church expecting guests! We are expecting you. We aren’t going to smother you with hugs, but you won’t be ignored either. We are here to make you feel welcome. Stepping inside the doors of a church (or a YMCA in our case) can be very intimidating. We are here to help your church experience be a positive one.

We hope to see you this Easter!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


CrossWalk officially opens its doors on Easter morning 2008. If you don't have a church home, have given up on church, want a new start or are looking for something a bit different than you are used to in a church, come experience CrossWalk! Keep checking our blog for updated launch information.